

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Come clean...use Norwex Enviro Products

The solution that would affect change---don't use harmful cleaning and personal care products.
Read this e-mail sent to me today!

"Dear Linda,
Tell companies to come clean on fragrance!

That lemon-fresh smell or pine forest scent in your favorite cleaner may be linked to serious health impacts like allergic reactions, respiratory disorders, reduced fertility, and birth defects. What's That Smell?, a new report by Women's Voices for the Earth, is the first report to examine the potential health impacts of common fragrance chemicals in cleaning products.

Unfortunately, you can't avoid harmful chemicals by looking on the product label. Fragrance chemicals are kept secret from consumers, meaning that we can't avoid certain chemicals, like the phthalates and synthetic musks mentioned in the report, even if we wanted to. The only current solution is to avoid fragranced cleaning products all together, which is simply an unfair choice. You should be able to clean your home without worrying whether it might be putting your health at risk.

So what CAN you do?

Take a minute right now to tell cleaning product companies to come clean! Click here to demand that Proctor & Gamble, Reckitt Benckiser (makers of Easy Off & Lysol), SC Johnson (makers of Windex), Clorox, and Sunshine Makers (makers of Simple Green) remove harmful ingredients and list all fragrance ingredients directly on the product label, where it helps you the most!

Then, learn more! Check out What's That Smell? and learn what you can do to avoid harmful fragrance ingredients in your own home!

To safe cleaning,

Alexandra Scranton

Director of Science and Research

P.S.- Check out our comic How Did That Pine Forest Get in My Cleaner? and share it with your friends!"

Linda Friesen - Eco-Gramma! Independent Norwex Consultant
Monday, June 14, 2010

Organic skin care products

Linda Friesen - Eco-Gramma! Independent Norwex Consultant

The skin is our body's largest organ and protects us from the environment.
While it is not true that everything we put on our skin enters it, many things do.

Here are some reasons why we should choose organic plant-based products for our skin:

• there is evidence that a number of synthetic ingredients may be contaminated with carcinogens;
• plant extracts obtained from plants not grown organically may be contaminated with pesticides;
• many synthetics, especially various substances used for fragrances and preservatives, can be irritating and allergenic;
• many products are preserved with parabens - there is quite a bit of evidence suggesting that parabens are absorbed through the skin, and they are found to accumulate in breast cancer tumors

(this doesn't say they caused the cancer, but it doesn't look good for them!);

• if not preserved with parabens, the next greatest preservative agents used are formaldehyde releasers such as DMDM hydantoin, imidazolidinyl urea, diozolydinyl urea, quaternium-15, 2-bromo-2 nitropropane-1, 3-diol, tris(hydroxymethyl) nitromethane, and hydroxymethyl glycinate (personally, I hardly agree with preserving our bodies AFTER they are dead, so I am in no hurry to get a head start!);
• organic cultivation protects not only the people using the product and the environment at the point of end use, but also protects the environment where the ingredients are grown and the people growing, harvesting and processing those ingredients;
• in many respects, using all natural ingredients also helps to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels - many synthetics are based on components derived from petroleum;

• many people are simply of the opinion that Nature does it best!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Commercials-Household Cleaning Products

Linda Friesen - Eco-Gramma! Independent Norwex Consultant

The phrase "wolf in sheeps clothing" comes to mind. For example we are led to believe that spraying Lysol on all surfaces (be it childrens toys, door knobs, counter--you name it) is a way to keep your children healthy. Ever think of the harmful chemicals that your little ones are ingesting ?
And if that's not bad enough, the antibacterial soap, and other disinfectant we use are doing more harm then good...heard of super bugs?
Time to really clean up the environment starting at home...through out all chemical filled household cleaners....they are hazardous waste.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Norwex Lifting Serum...what is in it?

This is one amazing product!!

Given that our lifting serum works so well we have received queries regarding what is in it and how it works. All of the ingredients are listed on the container, so you know exactly what it contains (feel free to Google).

Some of the key ingredients are aloe, macadamia nut oil, hydrolyzed rhizobian gum and acacia senegal gum, extracts from a number of organically grown Swiss alpine plants (Masterwort, Marrubium, Edelweiss, and Artemisia), saccharide isomerate, olive oil, jojoba oil and xanthan gum. Together, these ingredients work to soften, hydrate, tone, restore the appearance of the skin, nourish the skin, help to retain moisture, improve elasticity, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and imperfections.

The keys to the “lift” in this product are the rhizobian gum (or rhizobium gum), acacia senegal gum (also referred to as gum arabic), and xanthan gum. What are these? Rhizobian gum is a mucopolysaccharide (a complex sugar) formed by fermentation of sugars by a Rhizobium sp. bacterial strain. Acacia senegal gum is a complex sugar; it is a sticky substance that comes from the acacia tree, and xanthan gum is another complex sugar formed by the fermentation of glucose or sucrose by the Xanthomonas campetris bacterium. Once again, we have friendly microbes to thank for the benefit that we derive from our products. The acacia senegal gum and rhizobian gum work together to reduce the appearance of fine lines. The xanthan gum also likely helps with this, as well as working to thicken the product…Solutions brought to you by Mother Nature herself.

Apply the Lifting Serum gently to cleansed skin, followed by the day or night cream, and allow to absorb.

November 2009

Tech Talk by Candi Bezte, Norwex Science & Technical Advisor
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Father's Day

Linda Friesen - Eco-Gramma! Independent Norwex Consultant

Give dad something he'll love. Absolutely the best car polishing cloth .

June Special

Dad's Pack



You Save: $4.98


1 Antibac Enviro Cloth (35cm x 35cm)

1 Car Cloth

1 Optic Cloth


A marvelous car washing mitt. $22.99 Canadian

Superior Floor Mop

I just finished cleaning my hardwood floor. Now that I use th eNorwex microfiber dry mop pad  and antibacial microfiber wet mop(blue) my floor shine in minutes and with very little effort.
The best part is no chemicals and no special floor products. Would you believe just water!
No mop pail or stringy smelly mops. I just dry mop or vacuum and then wet the blue pad under the tap, squeeze to remove excess water, attach to mop handle base  and away you go.
The microfiber insures 99.9% of bacteria and germs get picked up.
It's taking me longer to write this then to wash my floor.
I should mention that not all micrfiber is created get what you pay for...believe me!

Linda Friesen - Eco-Gramma! Independent Norwex Consultant
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dirt on dirt

Linda Friesen - Eco-Gramma! Independent Norwex Consultant

Traditional cleaning chemicals are designed to break down grease and grime and attract it away from surfaces towards the bucket, mop or cloth.

When surfaces are left moist and wet after cleaning, only the water component of your cleaning solution evaporates leaving broken-down dirt, grime and chemicals to dry on the surface, attracting future dirt and providing a breeding ground for bugs. These bugs split and multiply to emit odours, which many traditional chemicals are trying to cover up.
The definition of CLEAN is to remove all forms of contaminants from a surface leaving it in as original condition as possible. This means that in order to leave surfaces CLEAN we cannot leave residuals behind on them.

Residuals determine the frequency of needed cleaning. The fewer residuals left behind on a surface the better, as residuals determine how often that surface should be cleaned.

So what is the solution?
Cleaning with Norwex offers you the ability to eliminate cleaning chemicals from your home and work place. Norwex Enviro Products is revolutionizing the cleaning industry and improving the quality of life.

Norwex Antibacterial Microfiber technology allows our microfiber cloths to remove 99.9% of bacteria using only water as a cleaning agent! With Norwex microfiber cleaning supplies, you'll never use chemical based cleaning products again!

So glad I heard about Norwex!
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Global Warming

Linda Friesen - Eco-Gramma! Independent Norwex Consultant
Global warming is over ...according to Don Easterbrook ,professor emeritus from Western Washinton University.Now we are in for some harsh winters and cooler summers.
I firmly believe the weather and climate is out of our hands, BUT our personal environment is not.  Toxic chemicals found hidden in household cleaners should have no place in our homes.
So glad Norwex mission is to improve our quality of life by drastically reducing the use of chemicals in personal care and cleaning.
"Toxic chemicals in household cleaners are three times

more likely to cause cancer then air pollution.

Environmental protection agency.1985
WVE — Women's Voices for the Earth
Friday, May 28, 2010

Welcome Wagon Event

Linda Friesen - Eco-Gramma! Independent Norwex Consultant

My goal is to help clean up our world one home at a time. We are bombarded with global warming rhetoric but very little is being said about household chemicals that affect our health causing cancers, allergies, asthma and so on. We think our home is clean when we use bleach, toiletbowl cleaner , and so on. The truth is we've just surrounded ourselves and our families with poisonous residues which we ingest or inhale. When I learned about Norwex Enviro Products, I was thrilled.Now I do most of my cleaning with microfibre and water. Yes, just water. No need for chemicals. Now my home is clean,green, and healthy! Norwex improving the quality of life.

On Sunday I'll be sharing this most important message at a Welcome Wagon event for new and expecting moms .


Wonder if these little ones are really safe?

Linda Friesen - Eco-Gramma!Independent Norwex Consultant
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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Norwex Enviro Products safe for kids!

Linda Friesen - Eco-Gramma! Independent Norwex Consultant

Children are so precious and we all want the very best of everything for baby. I'm so glad that my grandbabies live in chemical free homes. My granddaughter is only one and just loves to help her mommy clean.Cleaning without chemicals makes it safe for her to help.

She says "Clean, clean?"

Monday, May 24, 2010


Why am I not surprised. For some time now I've been thinking that sunscreen is likely doing more harm then good. My parents as farmers spent most of their summer days in the hot sun while working the fields. They lived well into the 80's and 90' skin cancer and no sunscreen.
And today in the news, while doctors are encouraging more sunscreen use, news headlines read Chemical In Sunscreen May Be More Dangerous Than Sun‎ , Some Sunscreens Accelerate Cancers, New Study Claim , Your Sunscreen May Give You Cancer: Study

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